Lake Erie Walleye Fishing Reports 2018
Lake Erie Fishing Reports
Walleye, Bass, Perch, Port Clinton, Toledo, Marblehead, Sandusky
Lake Erie fishing reports presented by Coe Vanna Charters.
Lake Erie Western Basin fishing reports covering
Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, and Perch fishing on Lake Erie’s Western Basin.
Before you go fishing check here for our updated fishing reports.
We are excited about all the walleye in Lake Erie.
Walleye fishing should be well above average this spring summer and fall and for at least several years to come. Fishing like the 70’s. Back then everyone caught their limits of walleye pretty much on a daily basis – just some finished quicker than others! Exciting Year Ahead!
Click here for Lake Erie weather
Lake Erie Walleye Smash 2018 Continues June 13, 2018 Fishing Report
Most of the action has been WNW of West Sister from the gravel pits to the turnaround buoy to old International H can on the Canadian border 1 mile west of Middle Sister. Kelley Island and east. The annual mayfly hatch is underway and has slowed the fishing mainly drift fishing down. Trolling may be the way to go for the next several weeks as the fly hatch thickens spreading into the open waters in the flats. There is lots of young hungry walleye out there so we’ll just have to wait and see how the hatch affects them. The heavy east winds have not helped matters lately either however the water was looking good today from the gravel pits to the tit to the Canadian border. Dust off your trolling gear this time of year during the may fly hatch it is good insurance for catching limits consistently!

Limit Catch of Lake Erie Walleye trolling June 13
Lake Erie Walleye Smash 2018 June 1 2018 Fishing Report Port Clinton
Limits of Walleye Pretty Much Daily Casting Trolling and Bottom Bouncers Lake Erie Boasts (One Hundred Million Legal Size walleye )
The Undisputed Walleye Capital of the World!!!

June 1 Walleye Limit

Limit Catches of Walleye
May 24 Lake Erie Walleye Crush 2018 Is Underway
Limits are being caught pretty much on a regular basis with descent lake conditions. Drift fishing trolling bandits , crawler harnesses or spoons and jets!!
Gravel Pitts, All of the western basin reef complex, L,A,B,C,K,D cans. American Eagle Shoal, Mouse Island Reef, Clinton Reef, Starve Island Reef. There is 100 million catchable legal size walleye in Lake Erie and most of them are concentrated in the western basin right now.
Fishing is different than it use to be. Find decent water conditions and its really not if – there are walleye there they are there and plenty of them.
There is a lot of dirty water and I suspect that it is suspended clay which can take weeks to settle out and it shifts with the current. There also is a alga bloom on the western basin reef complex right now ( a healthy alga bloom ) It will appear to be muddy at first. Stop and put your lure in the water if you can see a foot or better in the water- fish! That’s perfect beautiful water conditions for catching walleye!
Capt Dave

Lake Erie Walleye Crush May 24, 2018
Limit Catches of Walleye Taken with bottom bouncers Sunday May 13 Port Clinton, Oh

Sunday May 13 Limit

30 inch trophy caught with a jig
Lake Erie Fishing Report May 7, 2018
Huge numbers of Walleye in Lake Erie – Full Coolers – Limit Catches – Lots of Happy Walleye Fisherman
Catching limits of walleye are normal this year just like it was in the 70’s. Some catch them quicker than others and you can target bigger fish. Trolling crankbaits normally brings a better average size. Bigger baits attract bigger fish. Everything is catching jig fishing, casting weapons or spinners, bottom bouncers and trolling.
I expect this report to be the normal for 2018 {Limit Catches } and for at least several years to come. When fishing conditions are right.
The jig fishing season is coming to a close. The window to catch walleye is very narrow for jig fishing as you are targeting thick pods of walleye spawning on or very close to the bottom. Now that the main spawn is over more walleye are suspended up in the water column. Trolling or casting spinners will steadily take over the catches.
Trolling presents the bait right in front of walleye as the bait comes parallel past them getting both a reaction strike or a feeding strike.
Casting is a bit slower as drift fishing you rely on the wind for lure presentation. That’s why when we get a good wind bottom bouncers and drift fishing {sideways trolling} catches are up! As the water warms to 55 degrees offshore and not the surface.The water temperature 15 feet down or so.
Walleye which are cold blooded will start being more aggressive and will be able to chase and catch spinners up or down as you cast and retrieve.
The jig fishing near Toledo Light and Turtle Island will hold for about one more week as the walleye continue to return to the lake from the Maumee river. These river run walleye are definitely a grade smaller on average than what we are catching near the western basin reef complex. However the numbers are there.
Catch walleye your way. Drift fish, Troll, bottom bounce or cast weapons.
Capt. Dave

Lake Erie Limit


Walleye Smash

Limit Catches May 5-6-7
May 2 – 2018 Limit Catches
Weapon bite {casting spinners} is on bottom bouncers too – Jig Fishing and Trolling Crankbaits
Catch walleye your way

May 2 Limit Catch Jig Fishing

Crank Bait Limit May 2
Lake Erie walleye jig fishing has been excellent.
Lots of action I am very grateful to be able to catch and turn plenty of 16 to 18 inch walleye that are legal size. We are not catching very many trophy walleye.

Limit 4/27

Limit Catches 4/27

Walleye Charters 4/27

Lake Erie 4/27
Walleye Jig Fishing Report
April 21, 2018
Lake Erie Walleye bite was hot this morning.

Lake Erie Jig Fishing Limit April 21
Fast Eddie and the Williamsport crew slammed their walleye limit by 10 am Jig fishing.
Jig fishing bite will hold very good until Mid May due to cold weather and water temperatures.
The near shore reefs, Turtle Reef, Locust Point, Crib and Toussaint in front of Turtle Creek the Maumee Bay between Toledo light and Turtle Island was an absolute Blitz this morning.
Double dipping walleye meaning one swimming in the net trailing the one you have on your hook. The spawn is in full gear and the walleye fishing will be fantastic as long as the weather holds.
We are running short notice weekday specials for 2 to 8 people
Call or text Capt Dave for info 419-355-4732
Lake Erie Fishing Report April 14, 2018
Maumee Bay to Bass Islands

Limit Catch 4-13-18 Lake Erie Jig Fishing
Walleye fishing has been excellent from Maumee Bay- Toledo Light – Turtle Island- The Pear, In front of Crane Creek, Locust Point, Wild Wings , K Can to Turtle Reef all the near shore reefs.
Excellent walleye fishing and limit catches have been consistent. However this time of year as it is any time of year but especially in April when we are fishing shallow water catching is all about lake conditions. It doesn’t take much wind to muddy up the shallow water.
Getting good lake fishing conditions this spring has been the occasional day or two them its back to wind wind and more wind. Which is pretty much what the next several days according to windfinder we can expect.
Friday pretty much everybody took limit catches of walleye jig fishing. Some caught theirs quicker than others. The daylight hit was strong as the walleye are concentrated in the shallows.
Lots of good eating walleye not many big ones yet. Start shallow in the morning either on top the reefs or 8 to 10 feet of water at sunup and move deeper with the fish as the sun gets higher. Late morning and mid day 16 feet of water seems to be the best. Then again late in the evening work shallower water as the walleye move back in.
Black and purple hair jigs , John Deer Green 3/4 or 1/2 ounce have been our best. Tipped with a minnow.
Lake Erie fishing report April 8th Western Basin
Port Clinton Ohio to Toledo light.
Fishing Saturday morning was on the slow side on the western Basin due to the heavy West Northwest winds that crank well into the night and the cold weather. However we caught walleye we did not catch a limit but we had a good time and it’s not always about catching limits. As the day progressed water was slowly starting to clean near the Nearshore reefs. Zebra mussels help to clean this up and they are beginning to get active. Some limits of walleye were caught late in the day from Toledo light to Turtle Island. The water from the Maumee River cleaned up and some fish moved in late in the day. With the warmer temperatures finally on the way and the winds looking favorable walleye we’ll start spawning heavy soon. It wouldn’t surprise me to see limit catches posted today and with each passing day the fishing should get better. So expect to see limits posted from Turtle Island to Toledo light and the near shore waters on or near the western Basin Reef complex Cone, K Can, Turtle Reef, Locust Point, Crib, Toussaint will all be on fire soon.

April 8, 2018

April Jig Fishing
Typical catch of spawning spring walleye in the picture to left. April is the only time of year when walleye come to us. The walleye are staged to spawn in the deeper waters from the Islands to Toledo which includes the western basin reef complex where we dock nearby.
We can easily turn 100 plus walleye per trip in April jig fishing when conditions are right. Rod in hand armed with purple and chartreuse jigs we work the reefs and shelf breaks along the reefs. Walleye are driven by their instinctual urge to spawn swarm the reefs by the millions. At times it is like catching bluegills out of a stocked pond! Average walleye will range from 2 to 6 lbs with the occasional trophy caught with jigs.
Slow trolling crank baits, bandits, and husky jerks will produce more trophy walleye on an average day after day than jig fishing. However the fishing is slower. Tuff choice to make catch trophy walleye trolling or hundreds with jigs. We will do either. So give Coe Vanna Charters a call with any questions you may have or to schedule your Lake Erie walleye fishing trip.
Capt. Dave Call or text 419-355-4732

Typical walleye catches May June and July