Lake Erie fishing reports presented by Coe Vanna Charters.
Lake Erie Western Basin fishing reports covering
Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, and Perch fishing on Lake Erie’s Western Basin.
Before you go fishing check here for our updated fishing reports.
We are excited about all the walleye in Lake Erie.
Walleye fishing has been well above average this spring and we expect the same this summer and fall and for at least several years to come. Fishing like the 70’s. Back then everyone caught their limits of walleye pretty much on a daily basis – just some finished quicker than others!
Exciting Year Ahead!
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Sept 2 2018

Limit Catch of walleye Sept. 2 2018 Huron
Limits of walleye are being caught consistently off Huron. Trolling and drifting. Fishing the shelf break from Ruggles to Cedar Point. Jets with spoons and dipseys. Drifting Ruggles 14 to 24 feet casting Gold weapons.
Bass fishing ok – Perch fishing is still spotty. We have boats docked at Huron and the fall walleye bite should go from limits to fast limits soon as the walleye migrate west.

Lake-Erie-Walleye-Fishing-Charters Sept 1
Sept. 1 2018
We have moved two of our boats to Holiday Harbor for the walleye fishing.
Walleye have been being caught here mainly trolling but drift fishing has had its days. If you are booked with us make sure where your boat is docked. Call or text Capt. Coe Allen 419-603-2225 Capt Dave 419-355-4732
Bass Fishing has been ok around the western basin reefs and islands. We have been turning an average of 30 smallies a day. We support catch and release when bass fishing. Soft craws, big minnows and gobies 12 to 24 feet.
Perch fishing has been spotty for the last week or so. Size has been good but the numbers have been hit and miss.
August 21 2018 Western Basin Fishing Report
Walleye fishing trolling off Cedar Point – Huron – Vermillion Limit catches from the dumping grounds – working the 45 foot outside shelf.
Perch on the western basin remains good.
Bass fishing good around the islands and western basin reefs.
August 9, 2018
Walleye Fishing Spotty.
Good to limit catches are coming from rock fishing the shallow reefs casting spinners. 6 to 20 feet of water. American Eagle, Around the Bass Islands and Kelly’s, Gull, Buckeye, and the Western basin reefs. Trolling spoons between A and B cans and around the outsides of the reefs. Toledo Intake and Crane Creek.
Perch Fishing Excellent
Limit catches of Jumbo perch pretty much on a daily basis.
D Can, B Can, A Can to the Gravel Pits, Crane Creek, Toledo Intake, Shipping Channel, Turn Around Buoy.
Smallmouth Bass OK
Around the Islands and reefs 6 to 16 feet of water. Kelly’s Island and Shoal, Gull, Mouse Island Reef, Monument Bay, Starve Island Reef and the western basin reef complex.
Soft craws fished just off the bottom, big minnows, artificials.

Limits of Jumbo Perch

Lake Erie Small mouth Bass
August 3, 2018
Perch fishing in the western basin is as good as it gets limit catches pretty much daily and the average size is JUMBO. H Can Clinton, Reef, Toledo Intake A Can, Gravel Pitts, Shipping Channel, Turn Around Buoy Best months to Perch Fish are August Sept and Oct

Limits of Jumbo Yellow Perch August 3
July 29 Port Clinton , Sandusky, Toledo fishing report.
Perch Fishing very good North of West Sister, B Can, D Can, H Can.
Bass fishing on the western basin reefs and around the islands including Pelee. Soft Craws 10 to 16 feet of water.
Walleye fishing is slow other than trolling and rock picking and this is far from a sure thing right now. As the days shorten and the water cools by late August walleye fishing will be picking back up in the Port Clinton area. Sept and Oct prime times for walleye fishing in the fall. August concentrate on bass or perch. The perch we have been catching are jumbo’s 9 to 12 inches and plenty of them.
Lake Erie perch and bass video July 26 to 29

Limit catch of Jumbo Lake Erie Perch July 28 2018

Lake Erie Bass Fishing
July 24 Walleye- Bass- Perch Fishing Report Port Clinton, Toledo, Sandusky
Walleye fishing is ok but spotty Limits one day next day ok and so so.
Drift fishing the reefs and shoreline waters have been doing ok on and near the western basin reef complex, Gull Island Shoal, Kellys Shoal etch. Shallow water – hard bottom.
Trolling and drifting H – G Can have also had there good and bad days.
Bass fishing
Western basin reef complex and around the Islands 12 to 16 feet of water big minnows or soft craws. We have been turning an average of 40 bass per day. Turning not killing! We support catch and release!
Bass fishing video July 24
Perch fishing
A, B, L and H Cans Off Crane Creek, Toledo Intake, Toledo Light, 16 to 24 feet. East of Perry’s Monument 29 feet of water.

Lake Erie Bass Fishing July 24 2018
July 14 Walleye, Perch and Bass fishing report, Port Clinton, Toledo, Sandusky
July 14 Click for Recent Catches Video
Walleye Fishing is still very good even through the mayfly hatch which is finishing up now. Trolling has been doing the job on the walleye and drifting has had some success. Lake Temperature being warm and the bug hatch always slows the drift fishing bite down somewhat however we are getting over the mayfly hatch. Gravel Pitts, Western Basin Reef complex, G and F can, Clinton Reef, Picket Fence, The dumping grounds off Huron, Ruggles and The weather buoy off Huron have been producing walleye.

Limit Catches of Lake Erie walleye
Smallmouth Bass
The western basin Reef complex, Pelee Island and all around the bass Islands. Soft craws , Big minnows. 8 to 16 feet has been the best.

Trophy Smallmouth Bass
B Can Crib Reef, L Can, A Can, Crane Creek ,Cooley Canal to Toledo Intake 16 to 20 feet of water, Toledo Light, Little Cedar Point, the Turn Around Buoy, The Anvil and along the shipping channel. Nice size perch over all 8 to 9 inch average.

Limit Catches of Yellow Perch
July 1 Fishing Report
The annual May fly hatch on Lake Erie is slowing down there probably is about another week of tapering off heavy hatching. Drift fishing has been spotty which is normal during the bug hatch and trolling has bee pretty much producing limit catches of walleye daily. West Sister East and west sides to the War Buoy to Middle Sister.
Small mouth Bass season opened this Saturday and the smallie fishing was very good. We turned 40 bass in the 3lb range using soft craws around the Islands. Best depth 10 to 16 feet.
Per Fishing is just getting under way and reports are starting to come in of nice size perch from around the Toledo Intake and L Can.

Walleye Limits Trolling

Lake -Erie-Fishing-Charters Walleye Limit Catches

Lake Erie Bass Fishing

Lake Erie Smallmouth Bass
You can use these old archived fishing reports to help you decide when will be the best time for you to visit Lake Erie and meet your personal fishing goals.
2017: Spring | Summer | | Winter-No Ice Fishing
2016: Spring | Summer | Fall | Winter- No Ice Fishing
2015: Spring |